The SPEC2000 Suite of Software
Blue Flag Technologies offers a range of SPEC2000 software to ensure that your organisation gets the most from SPEC2000.
The SPEC2000 installation can be a standalone implementation to allow automatic receipt and acknowledgement of SPEC2000 messages and also manual entry of messages. The SPEC2000 messages will be automatically formatted and verified to ensure that your communications with your trading partners is quick and easy.
If you wish, SPEC2000 messaging can be integrated into your host system using Blue Flag Technologies' SPECCOMM Plus. This additional product is a versatile, flexible application allowing SPEC2000 messaging to be integrated with the minimum fuss to any format that your host system already uses. This can be a flat-ASCII file of fixed or variable length, or even direct into your host system’s database.
Blue Flag Technologies' SPEC2000 utilises a communications layer to send and receive messages across many transport Value Added Networks like ARINC, SITA, Aeroxchange (via ARINC or SITA), FTP, SFTP etc.
Blue Flag Technologies’ XML Processor can increase system value by allowing real time XML communications with your trading partners in real-time. The traffic does not have to comply with the A4A's SPEC2000 Standard as separate business logic can be used. Optionally, the traffic can also be audited to your existing SPEC2000 application's message summaries, where it can be viewed like a standard message.
The Blue Flag Technologies’ SPEC2000 Message Portal allows your non SPEC2000 customers to enquire on your stock levels, or to place orders directly into your SPEC2000 system without the need for a conventional VAN (Value added Network).
The Blue Flag Technologies SPEC2000 suite of software is designed to meet your needs now and into the future.
From a single user SPEC2000 system processing a limited number of messages, to a multi-user SPEC2000 SPECCOMM Plus direct database host integration system processing many thousands of messages, Blue Flag Technologies has the solution for you.
Blue Flag Technologies is an approved, independent, SPEC2000 software vendor, providing flexible and upgradeable SPEC2000 messaging and database solutions for your immediate and long-term requirements.
Whether you are starting out with just one Trading Partner or requiring an automated integrated SPEC2000 solution, Blue Flag Technologies can help you maximise your SPEC2000 potential, supporting you all the way.
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The SPECCOMM Plus application automates your chosen SPEC2000 messages, thus enabling direct file transfer to a selection of databases e.g. MS-SQL, Oracle, Informix, Sybase, Ingres, DB2, MS
Access, ODBC etc., otherwise creating an ASCII file for transfer into your application.
Link SPEC2000 into your Main Computer Application
SPECCOMM Plus completely automates SPEC2000 by feeding messages directly to your main computer system, eliminating manual input operations.
SPECCOMM Plus is a generic product which has been designed to link to the maximum number of different platforms.
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Your messaging - your way!
If you can answer yes to one or more of the following, then the Blue Flag Technologies XML Processor can help you automate your messaging!
- Your messaging requirement does not fall within a "standard".
- You require real-time messaging.
- Your messaging requirements are unique per trading partner.
- You require a cost effective messaging solution.
- You wish to reduce or even eliminate manual message processing.
The Blue Flag Technologies XML Processor is designed as an interface between your host database (this could be your part catalogue or fleet information database) and your Remote Trading Partners. It allows your Trading Partners to seamlessly query your host database and allows real-time responses for those enquiry types.
Originally designed for use for the A4A's (ATA) XML Specification for Order Administrations via the HTTP protocol. Blue Flag Technologies XML Processor has rapidly proved to be flexible enough to solve a wide range of real-time messaging problems.
The XML Processor offers a safe and standard method for your Trading Partners to quickly and easily ascertain the information they need without the problems and security aspects associated with allowing direct access into your databases.
With the Blue Flag Technologies XML Processor, you can customise your real-time messaging solutions to suit. You can add message types at any time - as, and when you require. Blue Flag Technologies can work with you to advise, design and create and maintain the required Scripts and Schemas to encapsulate your business rules. This coupled with a standard Support and Upgrade Contract, will ensure that your automated business to business messaging runs smoothly and ensures that knowledge management isn't your problem.
The Blue Flag Technologies XML Processor is essential for your real-time business to business Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). With the Blue Flag Technologies XML Processor, the sky really is the limit!
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The Blue Flag Technologies SPEC2000 Communicator handles the interfacing between SPEC2000 and your choice of VAN (Value Added Network), host or branch office host via manual and timed connection schedules.
The SITA Network, uses SITA's own SITATEX software & Message Daemon to handle all communications.
The Blue Flag Technologies' SPEC2000 Communicator offers an easy to use interface that clearly shows the status of any communications between SPEC2000 and your Network VAN.
The Blue Flag Technologies' SPEC2000 Communicator also implements standard FTP/FTPS/SFTP to compliment message traffic flows and ensure a good fit within your organisation.
You can also send and receive messages to Aeroxchange via the ARINC or SITA network.
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Blue Flag Technologies' SPEC2000 Message Portal allows your traders to communicate directly to your SPEC2000 system, without the need for expensive VAN’s. The Message Portal is competitively priced in line with our other SPEC2000 modules available.
The Message Portal allows your traders to enter single SPEC2000 messages via our hosted portal.
The Message Portal effectively becomes your on-line ordering system without any of the associated hosting hassles.
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